Please join the National Family and Survivors Circle today (June 2, 2021) at 5 PM EST for a virtual event with Minister Carolyn Bennett. We are humbled to introduce our contribution to the National Action Plan to address the ongoing genocide against Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.

Health supports are available 24/7 as we acknowledge the painful experiences and trauma this may raise. For immediate emotional assistance, call 1-844-413-6649. This is a national, toll-free 24/7 crisis call line providing support for anyone who requires emotional assistance related to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

View the live-streamed virtual ceremony over Facebook Live here:
Meeting ID: 899 9441 1916
Passcode: 847097
Listen ONLY lines:
Teleconference line in FR:
Toll-free dial-in number (Canada/US):
Local dial-in number:
Participant passcode:
Teleconference line in ENG:
Toll-free dial-in number (Canada/US):
Local dial-in number:
Participant passcode: